and this is what I heard Him say:

Exodus 10

God spoke to me today from Exodus 10:22,23 where God’s Word says, " darkness covered all Egypt for three days.  No one could see anyone else or leave his place for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the place where they lived." and this is what I heard Him say:

“The darkness can be really dark!"  Those who are not my people are really in the dark, just as in the days of Egyptian bondage.  During that plague, I put them in physical darkness to the degree as their spiritual darkness.   The darkness was so thick they could not see themselves in a mirror.  In contrast, My people were in the light.  That’s how it is for you, too.  You are in the light.  Now, that's not how it has always been for you.  You too were in the utter darkness of sin--groping about in the sinful deeds of darkness. Trying to find your way without Me. But then the brilliant light of My mercy and grace forced the darkness out when you received My salvation in My Son, Jesus. The light of Jesus in your life is so bright.  When you walk in the light your life is so completely different from the life of darkness.  Today, recall for a moment how the darkness can be really dark and then live in the light to dispel the darkness in your own life and those around you.