and this is what I heard Him say:

Exodus 14

God spoke to me today from Exodus 14:14 where God’s Word says, “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” and this is what I heard Him say:

“Be still in your heart and move forward with your feet!  Israel was pressured beyond their wildest imaginations.  Their newfound joy from being set free from their years of slavery was vanishing before their eyes.  The Egyptians were coming to re-enslave them. It was such a dire situation for them!  The Israelites were panicked—what could they do? They were not trained warriors to take a stand and fight.  So, I promised, if they would “stand firm” then they would see My “deliverance,” the parting of the Red Sea. My only request was for them to “be still.”  Being “still” is the hardest thing to do when you doubt Me.  It’s very simple when you trust Me.  You see being “still” was a “heart thing.”  Their feet needed to keep moving forward.  Moving forward into the obstacle in their way, namely the Red Sea. It’s the same for you.  You need to be still before Me and allow Me to fight your battle.  Today, whatever your obstacle may be, don’t run to the left or right.  Don’t turn back.  Just, be still in your heart and move forward with your feet!”