and this is what I heard Him say:

Exodus 6

God spoke to me today from Exodus 6:5-6 where God said, “I have heard …, and I have remembered. "Therefore ... I will bring you out … I will free you ..., and I will redeem you ….” 

I hear you, I remember you, and I act on your behalf.”  I know you sometimes don’t think so.  You think or say things like: ‘God’s not listening to me!’ Or, God has forgotten me!’ Or, “Where are you Lord when I need You?”   From your perspective and for some reason life is just not turning out as you planned. You feel the weight of life’s uncertainty, loneliness, and the oppression of unbearable circumstances. Your life is unpleasant.  Such moments are a test of your faith.  Will you cave in due to your circumstances or believe in me against all hope?  Israel was in a bad way in Egypt. They were in bondage, under severe oppression, and crying out in their agony.  It was then that I said that I heard them, I remembered my promises to them, and then I announced that I would be moved into action in such a way that the world previously had never witnessed.  So today, in your dire circumstances, why do you waiver?  Why do you doubt Me?  I hear you, I remember you, and I will act on your behalf.  Trust Me!”