and this is what I heard Him say:

Exodus 8

God spoke to me today from Exodus 8:10 where Pharaoh said, “Tomorrow” and this is what I heard Him say:

The hard-hearted want one more night with the frogs. As ridiculous as it may seem the hard-hearted just do not want to give up their vice nor the consequences of it.  Pharaoh was allowed to pick the time of the “frog departure.”  He could have said, “Get rid of them now, immediately!”  But instead, he chose to spend one more night with the frogs. Now, before you get too extremely critical of him, think of the times you spent one more night with anxiety, worry, guilt, fear, anger, pride, covetousness, jealousy, envy, hatred, drunkenness, lust, immorality, gluttony, and on and on.  You know your vice.  You could immediately go to prayer and ask for Me to take it away now.  You could repent and turn away from the temptation you face right now and, in so doing, take the way of escape that I provide to avoid the consequences of it (1 Cor 10:12,13).  You could have immediate freedom but, like Pharaoh, you chose to spend one more night with the frogs.  Pray today for “frog departure.”  Only the hard-hearted want one more night with the frogs.