and this is what I heard Him say:

Read Genesis 11
God spoke to me today from Genesis 11:5 where He said “But the LORD came down to see … the tower that the men were building” and this is what I heard Him say:

“Why are you holed up in your tower when I’ve come down to see you?  I’ve given you a mission to go fill the earth and take the gospel to every creature.  But instead of going you prefer to build your own monumental tower.  I see that you have erected elaborate towers of religious cults, empty philosophies, pop psychology, and so-called ‘political correctness.’  You spend your time holed up watching senseless TV, debating ridiculous politics, offering humanistic counsel, defending untenable positions based on secular thoughts—none of which really matter.  Stop alienating yourself in your self-made tower.  Leave your tower.  Break free and meet with me. I have a mission and purpose for you today, but you will never realize it hiding in your tower. But if you come out of it you will find that I have come to see you and to see what you are doing.  I will spend time with you.  I will help you. So why are you holed up in your tower?  Leave it and meet me on the mission I’ve given you.”