and this is what I heard Him say:

Read Genesis 15

God spoke to me today from Genesis 15:1 where He says, “I am your shield, your very great reward” and this is what I heard Him say:

“I will protect you and reward you!  I’m looking out for you.  It’s true. I know you don’t always think so.  Sometimes you doubt it.  I know that some days seem to overwhelm you with stress, worry, fear, impatience, temptation, stumbling into sin, frustration with others, yourself and me, and more.  You feel everything is totally out of control. What’s the use, nothing seems to be going as you want.  The truth is nothing is going as you want, but everything is going as I want.  My sovereign will is always done and I will protect you so that you will never be left unprotected; I am your shield.  So, since I am your shield let me protect you.  Follow me so that I really do go before you as your protective shield.  One more thing, I promise you more than protection; I promise to reward you.  What’s the reward?  I am your reward.  What more could you have than Me, the true and living God, with you today.  This is my promise to you, I will both shield you today, and reward you with my presence too. So, today, believe it and live like it.”