and this is what I heard Him say:

Read Genesis 26

God spoke to me today from Genesis 26:16 where it says, "Then Abimelech said to Isaac, "Move away from us; you have become too powerful for us." and this is what I heard Him say:

“The closer you come to Me the further away the world wants to be to you.  It’s true.  When I bless your life the world becomes envious and uncomfortable around you.  Why?  Because they know that I have blessed you.  You cannot contain it.   You want to give Me the glory for it.  You discover the power and might to unashamedly give me the credit.  That makes them quite uncomfortable.  They feel guilty for their own lack of relationship with Me.  They think the easiest way to rid themselves of their guilt is to push you out of their lives.  The truth is quite the contrary.  The best solution for them is to bring Me into their lives too.   But until that happens, you will be pushed out and replaced.  Don’t become discouraged.  I am more valuable to you than all of them.  Just remember that, as I bless Isaac, I will bless you even more for your faithfulness.  It’s always like that, the closer you come to me, the more I bless you!”