and this is what I heard Him say:

Read Genesis 30

God spoke to me today from Genesis 30:27 where Laban says, "I have learned by divination that the LORD has blessed me because of you." and this is what I heard Him say:

“Even the unrighteous will recognize Me, the true and living God, through you, when you are under my blessing. Your employer will recognize that his or her business is blessed by Me through you when you are under My blessing.  They may arrive at that conclusion through some rather unusual ways, as did Laban.  He learned so from consulting the pagan diviner, whom I overruled to point out that Laban’s success came from Me through Jacob.  In other circumstances, employers learn by simple comparison from before you were hired to the present.  In other cases, it may be by a competitor who tries to steal you away to their company that they see I have blessed them through you.  Now of course, for your employer to be blessed through you, you must work hard for that employer to be under my blessing.  Even if he or she is unfair and takes advantage of your righteousness.  When you do work hard for such an employer, he or she will not want to let you go because they know that I bless them for your sake. Today, work hard so you can see even the unrighteous recognize Me through you.”