and this is what I heard Him say:

Read Leviticus 14

God spoke to me today from Leviticus 14:2-3 which says: These are the regulations for the diseased person at the time of his ceremonial cleansing, when he is brought to the priest: The priest is to go outside the camp and examine him” and this is what I heard Him say to me:

“There is a cure for what you have!”  Because My sanctuary was holy, the leper could not enter—he was ceremonially unclean. Therefore, I sent My priest, who was My Physician’s Assistant, to examine the leper to see if he has been cured.  If he had been cured, he then was clean and could enter My presence.  The same is true still.  No one unclean can enter My presence.  So, I have a remedy, a cure, for the unclean—the blood of Jesus Christ, My Son, who cleanses from all impurities.  This cure is useless to you if you do not apply it.  So how do you apply the blood?  Believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and confess with your mouth to be saved.  You see, all who call on My Son shall be saved because there is a cure for what you have--it’s called “salvation.”