and this is what I heard Him say:

Read Leviticus 19

God spoke to me today from Leviticus 19:18 & 33 which says: " love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD. …. The alien living with you …. Love him as yourself."  And this is what I heard Him say to me:

“Love is at the heart of My law!  Even My ten commandments are grounded in love.  The first four commandments are about loving Me, the LORD your God. That's why I commanded that you have: 1-No other gods 2-No idols 3-No abuse of My name  4- Sabbath day observances.  You see, if you love Me you will keep those four commandments.  Likewise, the last six commandments are about loving your neighbor as yourself.  That's why I commanded that you: 5- Honor your parents 6- Do Not Murder 7- Do not commit adultery 8- Do not steal 9- Do not lie 10-Do not covet.  Think about it.  If you love your neighbor as yourself, you will keep those six commandments.  If you missed it, Love is at the heart of My law!  So today, as people come into your life, neighbors or strangers, love them as you would yourself.”